Blog Articles

#PhotoTips: When to turn your photos into black and white?

If you find a monochromatic environment, a black and white photograph is quite possible. Also, if there's something in color that causes the focus to be lost or there is visual noise, then a black and white might be a good option. Lastly, for aesthetic reasons, as...

#PhotoTips: How to Use Natural Frames to Make Stronger Images

Whenever possible use natural frames to make your images more interesting and stronger⁠. ⁠ Today's shot was made during one of the Antigua Photo Walks I lead around town. I was sharing some of the best street photography practices and creative frames to capture...

Antigua Photo Shoots — Portraits at Real Palacio.

Bring home fun-tastic images of this magical and charming town at the most photogenic and instagrammable spots in Antigua Guatemala by booking an unforgettable lifestyle photo session.

Night Bar Scene in Downtown Los Angeles

As I have mentioned before, I really like photographs inside bars and cantinas, I found them so photogenic. Downtown Los Angeles, 2019.
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