Couple with face masks walks by a Tuk Tuk Bar with Mexican Decoration

Welcome to the new normality of the pandemic-interrupted reality.

After taken a much-needed hiatus from blogging here, I’m back to sharing with y’all images from my pandemic photo project. Even though there’s plenty of lockdown images from other latitudes, not so many from my colorful and enchanting city of Antigua Guatemala. So, I decided to start documenting the new normality we live in, as who knows when the ‘new normal life’ will be once the pandemic is over.

One more thing, since the lockdown began in mid-March for Guatemala, I began offering online photography classes, one-on-one photo critiques, private sessions for photo workflows and Lightroom editing. We have created photo books as well photo collections for future exhibitions. This new approach has been quite rewarding for me and for those who have been able to push their photography forward during this lockdown idle time. If you’re interesting in booking a session or class, check out my online photo coaching page.

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