Enjoying the readings of “Cloud Atlas” by David Mitchell so much that I wish for it not to end ever. It’s sad that in the most important matters, we have progressed so little or nothing at all since the 18th Century. Here’s a sample for your tasting....
The visual effects department at Weta comprises of some major processing power consisting of 34 racks, each with four chassis of 32 machines a piece. The combination of those machines comprises a total of 40,000 processors along with 104 terabytes of memory using 10...
Two nights ago my hosting company suffered a “DNS poison attack” on their DNS servers, which basically means that DNS server has received such non-authentic data and caches it for future performance increase, it is considered poisoned, supplying the...
In my previous entry I talked about the lack of media coverage four months from the time Guatemala, El Salvador and Chiapas, Mexico were hit by Hurricane Stan. Well, I spoke too soon. Once again El Canche brings us the hottest news about Guatemala fresh from the oven....