Night Bar Scene in Downtown Los Angeles
As I have mentioned before, I really like photographs inside bars and cantinas, I found them so photogenic. Downtown Los Angeles, 2019.
#PortraitsOfStrangers — Barman in action at a bar in Downtown Los Angeles
Downtown Los Angeles, 2019. I have always enjoy making photographs in bars. I don’t know, I really like the atmosphere and the challenging lighting conditions.
#PortraitsOfStrangers — Framed candid portrait made at bar in Downtown Los Angeles
Downtown Los Angeles, 2019. Wow it feels like it was a lifetime ago when I made this portrait at bar while waiting for a good friend, yet it was only about three years ago. Certainly, the world was a different place.
#PacaHumor — Jus Do It!
It was years ago that I started the Paca humor series when I realized that many of the people wearing the second-hand clothes often do not know what the messages are stamped on their t-shirts. Often, these second-hand clothes brought from the US have spelling errors...