Street Photography — Los lunes al sol.
“This is the story of those who live as if every day was a constant Sunday, those who spend their Mondays in the sun.” Follow @rudygiron on Instagram. Check out my street photography gallery at http://ift.tt/1NkPMnl
Street Photography — Marching Band Members.
Or, how to do an acceptable selfie. 😉 Follow @rudygiron on Instagram. Check out my street photography gallery at http://ift.tt/1NkPMnl
Street Photography — Mother and daughter at the public lavaderos doing some laundry.
With only 9 months, baby María swings back and forth as her mother leans forward and back as she washes the family clothes. Baby María seems to enjoy the rocking movement and being tied up to her mom. Follow @rudygiron on Instagram. Check out my street photography...
Street Photography — Mayan Sreet Style.
Two Maya girls sporting some stylish jackets as they took shelter from the unexpected rain while they waited for the procession to go by; their eyes fixated on the float images, my camera on them. Follow @rudygiron on Instagram. Check out my street photography gallery...