Divvy es una excelente herramienta para dividir el área de trabajo en una Mac. Vía @nelomh
Divvy is an entirely new way of managing your workspace. It allows you to quickly and efficiently “divvy up” your screen into exact portions. With Divvy, it is as simple as calling up the interface, clicking and dragging. When you let go, your window will...
Fondo de escritorio del Día de la Tierra
Hoy es el Día de la Tierra y por eso he decidido compartir un fondo de pantalla o papel tapiz de escritorio totalmente gratis. El fondo es una vista típica de los jardines y patios de Guatemala dónde abundan los helechos conocidos localmente como Colas de Quetzal....
Miniaturizando el mundo con el efecto Tilt-Shift
Tilt-shift photography is a creative and unique type of photography in which the camera is manipulated so that a life-sized location or subject looks like a miniature-scale model. Below we present 50 beautiful examples of tilt-shift photography. All examples are...
Miniaturizando el mundo con el efecto Tilt-Shift
Tilt-shift photography is a creative and unique type of photography in which the camera is manipulated so that a life-sized location or subject looks like a miniature-scale model. Below we present 50 beautiful examples of tilt-shift photography. All examples are...