Food Photography Adventures: French Macarons

Food Photography Adventures: French Macarons

I didn’t know where to get French mararons in Guatemala. A little research casted some light on three different places in Guatemala City that sells them, but I didn’t want to drive to Guatemala City just for that. I asked around on the FB groups of Expats...
Food Photography: Baked Fish Fillet over Fried Rice

Food Photography: Baked Fish Fillet over Fried Rice

Once again using natural south-window light through a diffuser to capture a fish fillet over fried rice. By the way, this is a long exposure with the camera set over the tripod. Remember to disable the image stabilization when setting the camera on the tripod. The...
Food Photography: Ceviche Peruano

Food Photography: Ceviche Peruano

En mi opinión el ceviche peruano es el más sabroso de todos los ceviches. Sencillo de preparar, con tan sólo unos cuantos ingredientes: pescado, ajo, limón, cebolla roja, chile, cilantro, salpimienta al gusto. La fotografía fue realizada con luz natural lateral,...
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