Blog Articles

#PhotoTips: Change your perspective often

Try to change your point of view often enough to add more interesting perspectives beyond the overused eye level shots.⁠

#PacaHumor — Jus Do It!

It was years ago that I started the Paca humor series when I realized that many of the people wearing the second-hand clothes often do not know what the messages are stamped on their t-shirts. Often, these second-hand clothes brought from the US have spelling errors...

2022 Special Lent and Holy Week Photo Walks with photographer Rudy Giron

Be part of a very special photo walk every Sunday of Lent, from 2pm to 6pm, and during the Holy Week, from 2pm to 6pm, themed around the elements of the Holy Week. I promise you a very special and information-packed photo walk with hundreds of photo opportunities...

#PhotoTips: Compress the Space Between Repetitive Elements in Your Frame

Use the telephoto end of your zoom lens to compress the space in between elements to emphasize the repetition and to isolate your subjects. In smartphone cameras, use the portrait lens or telephoto lens if available.⁠ That's the technique that I used in this portrait...
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