Photo Tips Articles

#PhotoTips: Anticipate the Action and Use Creative Framing
The power of street photography resides in its ability to capture candid moments, truly authentic slices of daily...

#PhotoTips: When to turn your photos into black and white?
If you find a monochromatic environment, a black and white photograph is quite possible. Also, if there's something in...

#PhotoTips: How to Use Natural Frames to Make Stronger Images
Whenever possible use natural frames to make your images more interesting and stronger. Today's shot was made...
#PhotoTips: Try to anticipate what is going to happen next.
Always carry a camera with you, even if it is your smartphone camera or a point and shoot camera. Better yet a compact...
#PhotoTips: Compress the Space Between Repetitive Elements in Your Frame
Use the telephoto end of your zoom lens to compress the space in between elements to emphasize the repetition and to...
#PhotoTips: When to Use Black and White in Your Photography
During a recent photo walk I was leading in Antigua Guatemala, I decided to shoot a portrait in black and white to...
#PhotoTips: Shoot in black and white if your subject and environment are monochromatic
Shoot in black and white if your subject and environment are monochromatic as I did here. Of course, it is best to...
#PhotoTips: How to Use a Fisheye Lens for Travel and Street Photography
A fisheye lens is perfect for narrow streets and pathways such as the one found in Barrio San Blas. In fact, if...
#StreetPhotographyTip — Kissing couple framed within three sets of arches in Antigua Guatemala.
This image was during a recent photo walk where we were practicing how to use natural frames and sub-framing. Believe...
#PhotoTips: Change your perspective often
Try to change your point of view often enough to add more interesting perspectives beyond the overused eye level...
#PhotoTip — Include movement and clean background in your frame.
Try to frame your subject against clean background whenever possible. Also, try to include movement or the idea of...
#StreetPhotographyTip — Couple framed within two baroque Moorish doorways found in Antigua Guatemala
⠀ ⠀ What kind of street photographer are you, hunter or fisherman? I tend to practice both styles and a combination of...